After checking out Phibs exhibition, Perfectly Imperfect, we sauntered on down to House Of Bricks to see Beastmans show, Natural Progression. Stopping briefly along the way to check out TwoOnes awesome new piece, we arrived to a show in full swing.
Colour seems to have been the order of the evening, and Beastmans show had a riotous conflagration of brightly splayed work. From the piece adorning the entrance, to the art within, to the wonderful glimpse we got of the processes and sketches behind the artists work – well, between Beastmans show and Phibs, our night was made.
[nggallery id=107 display_type=photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry]
Shots from Lachlan Curtin-Corr and Jess Brohier. Check out House of Bricks and Beastmans site for more info on the gallery and the artist.
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saul attack
13 years agoLachy is so natural at catching a predator.