What's Good!

Weekly blog – Bagels, Coffee and Diatribes

So after having been online for a year, and having only posted articles up from all the archives, I’ve decided its time to start writing new material in this blog, and actually using it for the purpose it was originally intended – to act as a conduit for looking at music and art here in Australia and around the world ..

In the past ten years or so,  I’ve put to paper, press and web a multitude of articles on music with a wide range of artists, and have always wanted to share my views and ideas with a wider audience – that, coupled with all of my side projects in writing as well as the copious amount of material I seem to fill sketchbooks with, well, getting this blog up and running is a complete no-brainer really … it should have been worked ona  long time ago, but better late than never.

For something I havent put jack shit effort into, the site seems to cruise along pretty well .. I looked at the site stats for the first time in ages the other week, and was pretty surprised to see it in the hundreds of unique visits, with tens of thousands of hits – to say I was taken aback purely on the fact that I’d only posted up archives of old interviews is to underestimate that surprise.  Spurred on by getting sick of my friends constantly asking me “When are you going to do something with all this shit you do Fletch” and “Dude, when are you doing that exhibition you’ve been talking about for the past ten years” and “Fletch, its your round” I sat down the other week and laid down a  game plan for what I want to do via this thing …

First and foremost, will be to promote those two passions that seem to have an over-riding priority in my life (outside of work, and I’ll talk about that some other time … but suffice to say when I introduce myself to people at Blue Bar as a Business Analyst they are more often than not taken aback) – art and music. The two are synonymous in my eyes, with both delving into the same portions of psyche that make my own mind tick over – so the primary focus will be on seeking out individuals and groups who I think are doing an awesome job at whatever it is that they are doing to put their talents out there – and why not? There is so much untapped talent both here and across the world, only so much exposure that some of these guys get – there are maestros and masters in our midst, many of them only locally, who deserve to be given an avenue to put forth those views – me doing this is only such a minor small portion of that whole juggernaut, but as both art and music have given to me so much in life that I am to be thankful for, and changed that life in so many ways, I think of it as just a small thing to give back to it by doing this. Its not for money, I have a day job – I just genuinely think that exposing more people to some of the same things that I find are ultra fkn cool will be contributing back to aspects of certain underground scenes that have helped me to develop as both and artist and as a person.

So, I may, once a week, talk shit about things that I see and hear via this blog category … there’ll be my daily sketches – good, shit, passable, weird – it doesn’t matter .. I’ll just share whatever has come to mind that day…. I’ll be putting up news articles for exhibitions or shows that are coming up that I think readers of this blog may find interesting, but, most importantly, I’ll be trying to stuff it full with as many interviews of awesome artists (visual, performance and musical) as I possibly can.

So, in line with that, I already have a few things in the pipeline … some of the interviews coming up for next week or two for Invurt? Well, I’ll be getting the low-down on Prahrans (in)famous DJ Leroy, I’ll be figuring out what Craig Pringles angle is on DJing, I’ll be checkin out the styles of Makatron (From Everfresh – a personal favorite of mine), there’ll be an expose on Melbournes new and storming House producers (No, it isnt just coming out of the US these days), The Brotherhood of Beats get a look in on their act and label (I mean, anyone who promotes breakbeats is awesome in my view) and I’ll chat to the girls from We Make Stuff Good about their upcoming store launch …

Enough talk. Having jsut recently discovered Glicks across the road from my work, I’m going to sit back, eat my fkn bagel, drink my coffee and stop talking shit for the week … thanks for all of your support so far, the response on Facebook and the comments people have passed on about me getting this thing up and running properly has been great – and I hope you all find the articles, and artists I’ll be talking to on here, as interesting and as fkn cool as I do …


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  • facter
    15 years ago

    Crap, its my round AGAIN??? Wasn’t it just my round last year? hahaha

  • Kaye
    15 years ago

    And yes Fletch, I do believe its your round.

    See you at Blue Bar sometime soon eh? :P





BSIDE Gallery

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