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Exhibition – About: Blank – Paradise Hills – VIC

Exhibition – About: Blank – Paradise Hills – VIC

Saw this one yesterday, whilst I was cruising through the Metro Gallery blog-

“Curated by Sean Irving and Nina Renee, about:blank takes the works of Ry David Bradley and Parker Ito and throws them into the creative blender that is the Post-Internet Age. It examines their roles as, what can be classically called, “painters” and aims to define their position as artists in an Internet culture.

“about:blank examines what it means to be an artist in the Internet age. Ry David Bradley (Aus) and Parker Ito (Us) create  works that reflect the disparate culture that we find ourselves surrounded by. The endless consumption of images, texts, histories, and theory interplay with the screen, the cursor, and the mouse gesture in order to articulate an artistic narrative that is at once defiantly modern and endlessly timeless. These two artists are products of an hyperaware culture that never switches off, yet their works address classic painterly concerns. In the age of the pixel and pica what becomes of the paintbrush and the palette? When the screen becomes the canvas who curates the online museums? When an artwork can ‘go viral’ how do you determine authorship? These are the concerns of a new generation of visual artists, and about:blank hopes to open a fresh page for this dialogue to take place in.” – Sean Irving

Something different, yet very cool – as a complete technophile, I’m loving the direction that the Paradise Hills crew, and Sean and Nina, are taking with this show.

About: Blank - Paradise Hills

Who: Ry David Bradley & Parker Ito
What: about:blank – curated by Sean Irving and Nina Renee
Where: Paradise Hills Gallery, 1-9 Doonside St, Richmond (behind Ikea)
When: opens 6pm – 9pm, Friday November 19th, show runs from November 17th til December 4th

Check out the Paradise Hills website for more info, as well as the Metro Gallery blog for updates on the show.

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1 Comment

  • Parker Ito
    14 years ago

    hey thanks for mentioning this on your blog dude, keep surfin!!! :)





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