Well, due to a fair few technical difficulties and a whole bunch of busy shiz, I’m a little behind on the updates for events this week – whilst I finally fixed and finished installing my new laptop this morning, this popped up in my mailbox, so where best to start the updates?
We had a great chat with Vexta earlier in the year when she was showing her work down at Platform gallery with Extinction in Technicolour – and since then she’s been involved in a number of shows – she’s certainly a busy lady. It looks like this next solo will be, not surprisingly, another addition to her insanely cool repertoire of shows.
The following is from her press release:
“Vexta has always wanted her art to make people think. On stepping into the gallery, her oeuvre remains characterised by the instinctive qualities that developed from an apprenticeship on the street, and has lost none of its distinctive élan.
This artist’s practice has been honed by wit and nimbleness, and mediated only by a desire to make images that speak of their time. Pop culture, lines from songs and mass media’s imagery accumulate in her work, and imbue it with the immediacy of life from which she draws her inspiration.
Vexta’s statement for this body of work follows:
They emerge from the shadowy darkness, adorned with geometric dripping neon nectar, exotic feathers, leaves and fragments of the night sky. Slipping forward, sleeping endlessly and holding perfectly still; the artwork in Tomorrow’s War Paint takes the shape of future relics; paintings of individuals suspended in a galaxy of darkness, alongside assemblages of bones and skulls suggestive of curios from the future. They are neither of this time nor space.
“Sometimes we are so alienated from everything and everyone around us and I feel like the tiny atomic particles keeping our bodies together could fracture at any moment and it could all merge it all together…”
The canvases and objects in Tomorrow’s War Paint sees Vexta continue her exploration of metamorphosis, cosmology, the subconscious, our collective unconscious and notions of ‘the future’. This collection of work features pieces that are at once disquieting and desirable; imagery of masked women sits beside eyeless souls, totemic objects of the night and delicate reclaimed bones– all drifting together in deep dark space.
This is a new kind of portrait of society in technicolour, both enchanting and ominous, that bears witness to the wrestle between the present, the past, and the spectre of what is to come. For a growing number of critics and collectors, Vexta’s work delivers a graphic bang that cannot be ignored.
This is Vexta’s second solo exhibition in Brisbane, and is timed to coincide with her inclusion in the National Gallery of Australia’s exhibition SPACE INVADERS, current until February 2011.
Who: Vexta
What: Tomorrows WAr Paint Solo Show
Where: Edwina Corlette Gallery, 555 Brunswick St, New Farm, Brisbane
When: Opens 6pm til 8pm, Friday 12th November,
Check out the Edwina Corlette Gallery and Vextas website for more details
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14 years agoMany thanks INVURT for the plug. This show of Vexta’s is spectacular