I’m totally art-ed out from the past week, with way too much happening! I did manage to get to a few openings and events though, namely the A3 Small Art show, Toy To The World and the Cardbordia show that I was part of with a bunch of other cool crew … but I’m also looking forward to seeing the other shows whose openings I missed on Friday over the next few days – namely Kami & Sasu, about:blank and Scottie “Bonsai” Neoh’s one at Fed Square …
Anyways, I got a few shots along the way (I’m a crappy photographer so don’t hold it against me if they aren’t that shit-hot =P, so I figured I’d do a couple mini-reviews and post up a few of them up …
A3 Small Art Show
I have no idea why I didn’t take some snaps before the hordes came in, but I did get some shots from the opening – I was really, really impressed by the work that had been collected for the show. Matt G and Ghetto Kitty put this together, in order to raise some money for the Room To Read charity, and it was fantastic! The range and diversity of work on display was also pretty impressive, but it all somehow worked together.
There were apparently over 200 people through the door on opening night, with about a third of the pieces sold. Then over the subsequent next few days there was a steady stream of people and purchases.
It’s still on, there’s still work for sale, and you should get down to For Walls at Miss Libs and take a look and buy something thats there – its all for charity so get to it.
Check out some more pics on our Facebook page. There is also a complete catalogue of all the images from the show on the Small Art Facebook page – so you can see whats sold, and what hasn’t yet been bought.
Toy To The World
Well, this was just downright fun. I was feeling a little shabby after Cardbordia, but got down to Section 8 at around 1pm and grabbed a popobe bear to do a few alterations to … and even by then there were already a bunch of people making heaps of headway on their bears.
I had a bit of an idea of what I wanted to do, but that all got thrown out the window while I was working – I ended up coming up with some kind of weird-ass stego-centaur-robo-bear I made from my own, and another discarded/broken bear I found.
There were quite a few artists there, and the regular Saturday day crowd was obviously enjoying seeing what everyone was coming up with. I don’t really know who any of the artists were that were there (if you see any of your stuff please tag it or let me know), but there was some really creative stuff going on around me!
I finished up around 4 or so, the sun kept attacking me and following me around haha – but when I left, there were still a bunch of people working on their bears – and I cant wait til I get to see all the finished products go up for sale in January (we’ll keep you updated on the details, but it’ll be on January 17th at 45downstairs gallery)
I didn’t get mine finished, so I took it home with me – but I saw quite a few that looked to be pretty close to being finished – awesome effort by everyone there.
I’m hoping that even more people get on board for it, as they are still looking for artists to participate – just email pencilneck productions– you can find all the info and contact details on their Facebook page – and again, its all for charity, specifically the AIDS council, so if you’re an artist, get hold of them, get a bear, and get creative.
Theres a bunch more photos of the event our Facebook page …
Not so much of a “review” – more just a few thoughts on the show that I and a bunch of friends opened last Friday …
The process behind the whole thing was just as much fun as the opening and getting it all finished … man, there was a lot of fkn cardboard haha.
We pretty much have covered the entire gallery in it – and that was just for starters… it was hard work, but worth it – exhausting, exhilarating, frustrating (I spent half an hour attempting to hang one piece at one stage – fun!) and genuinely amazing working alongside some really talented people.
We spent several nights setting up and prep’ing the gallery for the show, then started work on installation pieces and stuff around that – it was the quickest cleanup in history in the hour before the show opened haha.
It all turned out great – quirky and weird-cool, and totally random, but really cool. I had a complete attack of the robots in the week or two leading up to it, so that was my contribution, but my shitty photos don’t really capture a lot of it. With a few late additions of some amazing work, the whole thing went off really cool.
I was really happy with the response and feedback people gave all of us, and, I was really thankful to Sim2 and Mishap from At Large, who let all of us to take a crazy cardboard-theme and totally run amuck in their gallery! Had some pretty cool soundscape tunes too courtesy of Fergus, and that’ll get posted online some stage soon (along with a video hopefully!)
Big thanks to all the crew involved – you guys rock – It’s on until December the 2nd, and we’d love it if you checked it out down @ At Large Gallery – its pretty fun, and, well, pretty much anything that is on the walls or made of cardboard is for sale – and its all relatively cheap too!
Of course, theres a whole bunch more shots up on our Facebook page, and I’ll assume that At Large will have much better ones soon haha… that’s pretty much it for that wrap-up – hopefully I can get some shots from the other shows along my travels as well.
1 comment
1 Comment
14 years agohiya,
REPLYloved cardboardia, am telling loads of my pals to check it out…hoping to get to a3 if it’s still on…?