What's Good!

Gone Fishin – Yearly Wrap

Well, its been a really, really busy last two weeks for me, and today is my last day before I take a couple of weeks off work and head over to see family and friends in Perth. We’ll be taking a little bit of a hiatus during this time, or at least I will be – that said, its hard for me to keep away from this blog, so there may still be events and photos posted … and, of course, if I see anything cool going on while I’m in Perth, I’ll more than likely do some kind of update about it …

So, just a few things before I go …

Logo Competition – if you haven’t seen the details for our logo competion yet, go have a look – I extended out the finishing date to the 30th as a couple of extra people asked for a bit more time – and theres also a couple of pretty awesome entries. So you have until the end of the year if you’d like to send us through something.

A Few Things Happening

  • These Days Gallery in Perth have opened their fantastic online store – over 50 prints from a bunch of original and diverse artists, it looks like another grand online addition for purveyors of art – great to see it up and running!
  • The second issue of Nothing To Nobody was released last week – and it looks like an awesome issue, packed full of goodness – go buy your copy here for only $2!
  • Kompound has some great shots of last weeks Lush exhibition opening at Backwoods Gallery
  • So you’ve probably all already seen pics from Kid Zooms show in New York, but heres some good ones too.
  • Some amazing shots from Nine Lives Gallery of their end of year Standard Service show
  • If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the official Tiger Translate video from the Melbourne event last month
  • The first concept art for the new Battlestar Galactica series, Blood and Chrome was posted up this week and .. hang on, wait. errr, sorry, got a little excited there =P haha

Well, thats about that – we’ll be back in full force in the new year, pretty excited as I have some great plans for the site, and, well, life in general – 2010 was pretty good, but I reckon 2011 is going to kick ass

Have a great xmas, a cool new year, and thanks again for all of your support throughout our first year!!

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1 Comment

  • feral percy
    14 years ago

    Hi Invurt,

    Fantastic blog.
    Love the end of week ‘what to do’ type wrap up and love that it is Australia wide.

    Couldn’t find a general comments or contact address so thought I’d just respond to your latest entry.

    Not sure if youy have seen the current show at Brunswick St Gallery but 2 Melbourne stencil artists have pieces in the show: Boo and ELMOOCHO. one of Boo ‘s pieces was selected for a merit award. You can see this piece at: http://bsgart.com.au/ (it is image no.9).
    Show ends on the 15th Jan.

    Also I have recently been to Darwin and they have a whole lot of new stencils on the old Woolworths building in the city. Am in the process of adding some pics to my flickr page. Thought I’d mention it as, although not especially known for its street art, I have seen some fantastic stencils up there. My fav: http://www.flickr.com/photos/25130378@N04/2991247300/in/set-72157619163605480/

    Anyway, thought you might be interested.
    Keep up the excellent blogging.






BSIDE Gallery

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