What's Good!

Friday Wrap – Wet n Wild

Floods, cyclones, rain – its all just another week of mayhem across Oz, and if I wasn’t such a cynic I’d be shouting global warming doom from the rooftops (okay, so 2012 is obviously the end of the world via zombie apocalypse, but I’ll hold out on my scepticism til then).

The other week saw us put up our new logo, and this week saw a whole bunch of galleries getting back into the swing of thing, and a whole heap of announcements – it finally feels like 2011 has totally ramped up, and we’re all excited.

So here’s the run down for what’s on, and what’s coming up in the next week …


  • Toy To The World finishes up tomorrow! Get down there for some last minute bidding on some of the awesome toys that were in the show, and help raise some money for the Victorian AIDS Council
  • Ed “UnwellBunny” Bechervaise opens up his solo show “Fast Forward” tonight, we’ll be heading there – so should you.
  • No Vacancy opened up its first show of the year last night, with the Oz launch of Feiyue – couldn’t make it down to this so no pics, but I heard really good things – have to check it out over the weekend.
  • C3 at the Abbotsford Convent opened some new shows this week, with Darren Henderson being one of the artists displaying works.
  • The next round of Melbournes Secret Wars is on next Wednesday – this one looks like it’ll be a doozy of a battle, so get your asses down there. The first round of the Sydney comp started last night, and it looks like Kon narrowly won over Alex Lehours – would love to get up to Sydney at some stage to see these ones.



  • Numskull opened up his solo show, Strange as Fiction last week, and its still running at Weymouth Gallery
  • Espionage Gallery opened up its doors last week, and we’re assuming that its open show is still going – really keen to hear more about this gallery and what its doing over the next year, so we’ll keep you updated …

Miscellaneous bits and pieces …

  • Don’t forget the High Water art auction that Nine Lives and a bunch of others have put together to raise funds for the victims of the recent QLD floods, go check it out.
  • Very cool interview with Kid Zoom, the man of the moment (deservedly so), over at fecalface.
  • Last Australia day some of the EF crew did some work at the Lost In Bass party, heres some cool shots over at Rekas site – Makatron has put up some pics of some of some work at Rainbow Serpent (Which I am just recovering from hearing all about every day for the last week).
  • Those cool exports, Dabs Myla, have a new look website up and running – go check it and their blog to keep up to date on all their US shenanigans
  • Cool video we saw over at Dont Sleep of the Ironlak team in the US doing the 2010 Primary Flight show
  • We’re loving this automated spray rainbow. Sick.
  • Take a look at this cool jewellery thats been produced in conjunction with a few well known Oz street artists, Vans, Shem, Meks and Teazer – wow, very very nice.
  • Have we ever mentioned how much we love the Streets Of Melbourne blog? Regularly updated, great cross section of work – go read.

As usually, I’ve probably missed stuff, so apologies for that – enjoy your weekends (after you read todays upcoming interview with Pierre Lloga, that is! haha) ….


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