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Event – Oh Really Gallery Closing Party – NSW

Event – Oh Really Gallery Closing Party – NSW

It’s been a mainstay of the Newtown arts culture for a long while, but all great things must come to an end – and for the Oh Really Gallery, that’s this week.

“Yes Yes, the rumours are true..

The time has come, to close our doors and move on to greener pastures and other projects. We know man Event – Oh Really Gallery Closing Party people will be sad that our humble little gallery will be gone, but when its time its time. We’ve had an amazing journey and would like to thank you all for sharing it with us. If you can come down on the 9th June for the closing party and say goodbye one last time it would be grand. Doors open at 6pm to come and say goodbye to the space that was Oh Really Gallery.
We will be doing this proper Oh Really style, with live music
featuring, Ungus Ungus Ungus, along with other assorted musical flavours and a wall to wall install of mural work featuring some of Sydney’s finest street artists.


Many, many kudos to the whole crew at Oh Really for all their work over the years in providing an amazing haven of great art and creativity in Sydney – here’s to bigger and better things for all of you!


Who: The Oh Really crew and friends
What: Oh Really Farewell Party
Where: Oh Really Gallery, 55 Enmore Road, Newtown, NSW
When: Starts 6pm and goes til late!

Go to the Oh Really website to read all about them!


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