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Exhibition – Things To Come – Metro Gallery – Melbourne

Exhibition – Things To Come – Metro Gallery – Melbourne

With a bunch of large scale, confronting armed stencils popping up through the laneways of the ‘burn, Luke Cornish (aka E.L.K.) has been causing quite a storm of interest after his recent relocation from Canberra. Not surprisingly, either, is that the talented stencil artist has been picked up by the cunning eyed crew over at Metro Gallery.

Alongside two other notable up and coming artists, JKB Fletcher and Daniel Smith, Metro will be showcasing all three of the artists as they put forth a bunch of new work in “Things To Come”.

“Following the success of the 2011 Metro Gallery Art Award, ‘Things To Come’ features three of the award’s most popular finalists: JKB Fletcher, Daniel Smith and Luke Cornish (E.L.K). These young artists represent some of the best emerging Australian talent. From Daniel Smith’s picturesque realism, to E.L.K’s intricate stencils and JKB Fletcher’s fantastical female portraits, ‘Things To Come’ promises to present diverse artistic techniques, subject matter and palette – the makings of an exciting and unique group exhibition.”

We interviewed E.L.K. back in May, and we had the chance to see his, JKB Fletcher and Daniel Smiths work in the Metro art prize the other month, and there is absolutely no doubt in ours minds that this showcase will be epically grand.

E.L.K. Metro

Who: Luke Cornish (E.L.K.), JKB Fletcher and Daniel Smith. Also on display will be works by Michael Peck, Alexander Hoda and D*Face.
What: Things To Come Metro Gallery showcase
Where: Metro Gallery, 1214 High Street, Armadale, VIC
When: Show opens Wednesday 21st September, 6:30pm til 8:30pm

Check out the Metro Gallery website and the Facebook event page for more info.


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  • Hmmm
    14 years ago

    ELK is so shit. If he spent more time on walls (not gallery walls) then people might take a real interest, and not a media driven interest.

  • Facter
    14 years ago

    We’re pretty confused by your comment, to be honest, being that E.L.K. has done a shitload of work on the street … go and check out his Facebook page, its all there. Also, we follow all art here, whether its in the gallery or the street, its all cool in our eyes.

  • Hmmm
    13 years ago

    Hmmm, legal walls.





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