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Submissions – Rah Collective – Australia Wide

Submissions – Rah Collective – Australia Wide

“The rah collective is a small group of artists working together to help forge our own place in the art world. Working almost exclusively on paper, the six artists that currently make up the rah collective all have a strong focus on the creation of their work, either drawing, printing, cutting or folding their work by hand.”

Artists who will be right along side you in the pages of this stylin publication are Qwux, Luke Burcher, Jessica Minervini-Eringa, Kirst Ohh,  Jess Cally, Thom Bransdon and Kara Nissen.

Rah Collective will be taking submissions for their new art book  from anyone who fits the following criteria:

  • Australian born OR Australian based
  • student OR emerging artist (that is, within the first 5 years of your creative career)

To get your submission in, simply email: book2@rahcollective.com

By popular demand submissions have been extended to 31st of October 2011, so if you want your art on the book shelf – get working, and get it in soon!

Who: Qwux, Luke Burcher, Jessica Minervini-Eringa, Kirst Ohh, Jess Cally, Thom Bransdon, Kara Nissen and YOU.
What: Rah Collective Art Book Submissions
Where: book2@rahcollective.com
When: Entry by 31st October 2011

Check out the Rah Collective website for more info.

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  • Max Rawicz
    13 years ago

    Hey there

    Spent 7 hours filming in urban Melbourne and here is the result – https://vimeo.com/31053867

    If ya like, would be great if you could post the video on ya blog


    Max :)





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