Always great seeing a new show from the talented team behind the Lo-Fi Collective and The Standard, and this one is absolutely no exception!
“An Art Exhibition to raise funds for Greenpeace, helping in the fight against rainforest deforestation and wildlife extinction in Borneo and throughout the world. An eclectic collection of Art and Jewellery for sale, created by an amazing array of artists from across Australia.”
It’s all for a good cause, so you should head down there and buy some of the awesome art that’ll be up on the walls – two birds with one stone!
Who: Aaron Anderson, Adam Szudrich, Alice Amsel, Anna Mardakhaeva, Aylie McDowall, Bek Godwin, Claire Bonnor, Delight and Darkness, Elizabeth Bargwanna, Grimm, Noir, Guilherme Andrade, Helen Li, Nao Sugiura, Nori Beppu, Rohani Le Rossi-gnol, Scribla, Sean Carver, Ministry Of Clouds
What: Art For Jungle Greenpeace Fundraiser
Where: Lo Fi at The Standard, Lvl 3, 383 Bourke St, Surry Hills, Sydney
When: Tonight, Thursday 28th June, 2012 from 6pm!
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