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Exhibition – Bryan Itch – Multiple Reality Disorder – RTIST Gallery

Exhibition – Bryan Itch – Multiple Reality Disorder – RTIST Gallery

When we think of art that leaves us peering into another world and contemplating the multiverse, there is one artist we invariably think of – Itch.

Massively multitalented, and known throughout for his perception challenging, colourful and highly technically adept aerosol work (both solo and as a part of the AWOL crew), Itch is, without a doubt, one of Australias best. This madly talented aerosol artist, musician and tattooist will be having a solo show at RTIST Gallery this week – it’s going to be a big one.

“Ever seen 4D artwork before? Do not miss one of the most mind bending exhibits ever seen …

“In the very corners of the city, amongst the hidden crevasses and corridors traversing Melbourne, the Itch resides. With pencil welded in his crooked hand, he suckles spilt energy drinks from the floors of convenience stores and the dew from pre-dawn flora, only halting in his journey through the Metropolis to feed his ravenous addiction to aerosol solvents … “

Artist, tattooist, musician and animator – Itch is a name that has echoed throughout the streets of Australia since 1998. With his upcoming solo show at RTIST Gallery, Multiple Reality Disorder, Itch will coalesce over a decade and a half of thought, talent and theory. Having exhibited and displayed work across Australia, at galleries and venues such as NGV Studio, Mays Lane, Outpost, China Heights and a multitude of others, Itch is no stranger to the gallery setting. As a festival mainstay, his art has also adorned a huge array of banners and installations, most particularly at the annual Rainbow Serpent festival, and his many live art performances at events such as Tiger Translate, Secret Walls and Red Bull Wreckers have been witnessed by thousands. From this wealth of experience and unmitigated passion, Itch has produced a new, excitingly quixotic body of work.
A transcendent exhibition, Multiple Reality Disorder will leave both your vision, and your mind, spieling towards the hidden dimensions that exist apart from this world – leading you on a movable feast of exploration and discovery. Guided by an inner light, each work will transcend in form as your eyes slowly reveal the beauty within the mundane.

Crossing genres with ease, all is not as it may first appear within Itchs work – characters and forms, scenery and fauna are mutable and guised, their true visages revealed only by the multicoloured separation of photons. Psychedelic, graffiti and fine art aesthetics are imbued with illusion, removing you from the monotonal world that some believe we inhabit – and yet Itchs sense of levity and humour pervade it all, lightening the heavy streams of thought that emerge.

This, is Multiple Reality Disorder – and your journey has already begun …

Everything growing apart, together. Onwards and outwards, the eternal dance of duality mocks constructs within time and space – its infinite, illusory form folds back upon itself as the old illusions form compost for exciting new modalities of thought. In time, these forms will calcify and rot, whence dreadlocked grandmothers begin to pull faded “Mayan 2012” t-shirts from op shop bins …”

Itch also recently did a mad assed video for Scribe Apparel, check it out …

That’s why we’re excited – that, and oh so many more reasons. We’ve seen some of the artwork, and we know what’s ahead, and lets just say its going to blow your fkn brain …

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Who: Bryan Itch
What: Multiple Reality Disorder
Where: RTIST Gallery, 29 St Edmonds Rd, Prahran, VIC
When: Friday September 15th from 6pm til 9pm, show runs until

Check out Itch at his website, as well as RTIST Gallery and the Facebook event page for more details!


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  • Nakatan
    13 years ago

    is it tonight the opening night? cause you have posted the opening is on the 12th but the flyer says tonight.





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