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Video – The Couple – Shawn Lu

Video – The Couple – Shawn Lu

We came across this recent video, another great bit of art from Melbourne based Shawn Lu from out of Juddy Roller!

“Presented by Shawn Lu Melbourne based contemporary artist and illustrator Shawn Lu has painted his latest mural, The Couple, at one of Melbourne’s most beloved watering holes, Dr. Morse.

Located in Collingwood, Melbourne, The Couple was completed over 7 days, in February this year. Using outdoor acrylic house paint, his trusty brush and steady hand, this piece features an unprecedented level of detail for a wall mural of this size.

The video, created by Round 3 Creative captures Shawn’s process through a time-lapse, allowing you to follow the process from initial outlines right through to the rendering and completion of the mural, all in the space of a tidy few minutes.

A vague sense of European fairy tales coupled with ideas of our increasing reliance on mobile technology regardless of how dissociated we want to be resonate strongly in the composition, which forms a loose narrative that is never entirely clear, leaving the story’s conclusion open to the viewer’s interpretation.

Shawn Lu is an artist whose works are inspired by the etchings of Gustave Dore, the Balkan countryside, and the pubs and people of Fitzroy. He is equally comfortable drawing on paper as he is painting a wall. Shawn practices mainly as an illustrator and mural artist, and works out of the Juddy Roller Studios in Melbourne.”

(Artist statement)

The Couple means to evoke nostalgic feelings of a simpler agrarian time, set in a nonspecific European forest. The scenic composition paradoxically includes a cumbersome non-era specific power generator being used to recharge an anachronistic iPhone. A car that’s beyond repair and exposed to the elements suggest the couple’s inability to leave their hovel. Above the bottom wall to the top left is a weather-beaten skeleton and a beached rowboat, hinting at the surrounding’s waterlogged past.

To see more of Shawn’s work, go to his website at shamuslu.com
or find him on Instagram: @Shamuslu

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