What's Good!

Exhibition- Junky Projects – Wasted – Melbourne

Exhibition- Junky Projects – Wasted – Melbourne

Its been quite a long time since Junky Projects had a solo show, and now there is one right around the corner this Friday night with his most recent offering, “Wasted”.

If you don’t know who Junky Projects is, then you’re definitely living under a rock. You’ve seen his work everywhere, his junk creatures nailed up to lamp posts and walls across the country. This show, however, will be something altogether different, as he pushes his recycled ethos to a new point, enlarging and exploring all the various different ways to transform unwanted materials into new icons and denizens of the streets.

“In a world where all that remains is wasted, new forms and manifestations of life after waste continue to evolve and develop from the very detritus which doomed a civilization.These are the Junky Projects.

My recent work “WASTED” is a personal exploration into the creative process, the symbology and invented mythology around which my art making takes place. By using basically only materials which have had a previous life of some kind (found objects and waste polystyrene) i am creating a new type of history for these objects, whilst resonating echoes of their past lives within these new compositions.

‘WASTED’ presents the bearers of bad news, and the only news worth bearing. Don’t shoot the messenger.”

Can’t wait for this show, have been looking forward to it for quite some time now – so head down to Dark Horse Gallery this Friday to check it all out.


Who: Junky Projects
What: Wasted solo show
Where: Dark Horse Experiment, 110 Franklin St, Melbourne
When: Show opens Friday 21st March from 6pm til 9pm and runs until the 12th April 2014.

Check out the Facebook event page for more info.

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