Its ladies month in the Burn-city scene, and next up on the ranks after this weeks My Girls exhibition is a tie in event from the crew over at Sketch City, Ladies Love Sketch City. Looks to be an awesome-fun gig. “Sketch city is a regular event celebrating Melbourne’s amazing creativity, where we invite the
READ MOREAs far as collectives go, the crew at We Make Stuff Good have all the talent required in order to make their mark upon the Burn-city art frontier. Numbering over thirty individuals locally, nationally and internationally, many involved also crosshatch their membership with other luminous entities such as Sketch City, Melbourne Tours and Dont Ban The
READ MOREThe Brunswick Street Gallery has, for some time, been a bastion of visual innovation amongst the sidewalk-bustle of Melbournes creative hub, Fitzroy. With numerous exhibitions revolving around both solo and group works, as well as competitions for emerging and established artists, it is no surprise that their next endeavour is helping to foster the expanding
READ MORETwo of Melbourne’s finest, Ghostpatrol and Miso, have produced their own map of the cities best known street art – its in a downloadable PDF which lets whoever wants to go around exploring M-towns art to just print it out on a piece of paper, jump on a tram and go … such a great
READ MORESo after having been online for a year, and having only posted articles up from all the archives, I’ve decided its time to start writing new material in this blog, and actually using it for the purpose it was originally intended – to act as a conduit for looking at music and art here in
READ MOREFor those in Melbourne and Sydney, coming up real soon is the LTRHDS Exhibition, a celebration of the alphabet by some of the worlds top street artists. THE EXHIBITION OF THE ENGLISH ALPHABET “Letterheads 2010 brings together twenty-six contemporary artists to each re-envisioned a single letter of the English alphabet, creating a collection that explores
READ MOREComing up next week in Collingwood, Gorker Gallery has the third solo show by Melbourne artist TWOONE on display. You can also find more information, pics and graphics by TWOONE him at his website. Via Gorker Gallery
READ MOREThe guys from At Large Gallery have another exhibition coming up this Friday the 19th of February in the form of 3rd Degree, A group show of new works by three of Melbourne’s upcoming artists: Sink, Ikin and Mupz. Opening Reception from 8-10pm, and it will be sponsored by Holgate so get down early for a free brew