Snapshots - Heesco - Mongo Hustle
- Art, Photographs
- April 4, 2011
Looking through his work, Jasper Wong is a seriously talented guy. His illustrations are amazingly quirky, clever and unique, and with a heavy dose of asian-influenced pop culture. Jasper has a hugeeee portfolio of work, with involvement with people and themes such as Star Wars, Nike and Hypebeast, to name but a few … wow!
READ MORELast year, the team behind Carbon Festival bought out the legendary Futura to visit, and this year, they’ve kept the bar just as high by featuring the godfather of all that is cholo art, Chaz Bojorquez. Whether you know it or not, but you’ve seen this mans work – or, you’ve seen the many many
READ MOREWhen we first heard word that Faith 47 and DAL East would be coming to Oz to visit, we were pretty excited. Then, we heard that they would be doing a panel at Carbon Festival, we were even more so. Then we heard that they would be painting two massive murals in the heart of
READ MOREHot on the heels of our previous article on the Cullen Open House day, here’s the full run down on events at this years Carbon Festival – got your tickets yet? We were are Carbon last year (check here for last years wrap up of the event) and we have no hesitation in saying that
READ MOREAs you’re all probably aware, Carbon Festival 2012 is fast approaching, so we’re kicking off our coverage of the event this week – we’ll hopefully be bringing you some interviews, lots of pics and all the info you’ll need to check it all out over the next few days. First up, however, Art Series Hotel
READ MOREWe like to stay away from any bias here – we do love Melbourne street art, and if you take a look through the pages here, sure, there are a shitload of events and such happening in Melbourne – but the same can be said for every other city in Oz too, its fkn heaving.
READ MOREWell, as always, plenty of videos up in the past week! In fact, more than we’ve seen in any other weeks – so enjoy your lunchtime (or whatever time!) viewing! We don’t have the embed for it, but Good Game on the ABC this week did a feature piece on the last Fanboy vs Artboy:
READ MOREAnother busy week comes to an end, and all of us here are full steam ahead with a bunch of projects and fun shit. Busy busy busy, cool cool cool. We have a great art session happening this weekend in Perth, with Dibs, ToniTone, Poise, Deej, NVS and Suloh putting some licks of paint up
READ MOREAhh, what a great load of videos we’ve seen this week! So many artists are now putting up promo videos for their upcoming and previous shows, its great – that with all the live painting going on .. well. First up is the video from Heescos exhibition, Mongol Hustle – check out the amazing work
READ MOREWhen we first saw the Carbon festival line up, we were pretty impressed – and now, having finished up the weekend, we have to say that it was a refreshing, unique and totally cool festival in terms of style, art, fashion, design, etc. What made it so successful? The speakers? Raw data? Cool factor? Amazing
READ MORESo its been a little bit between wraps, Easter, busy, yada yada yada .. but here we go with this weeks one, and what a week ahead … Before we go on though, We’ve decided to change the format of the wraps a little bit – we wont be doing a run down of all