Snapshots - Heesco - Mongo Hustle
- Art, Photographs
- April 4, 2011
Easey St, Collingwood as seen eight Melbourne artists collaborate on a massive wall in a tribute to legendary New York artists Keith Haring & Jean Michel Basquiat. Artists: Heesco @heesco Conrad Bizjak @conrad_bizjak Chehehe @stayingcheative DVATE @dvate Sabeth @s4be7h Phibs @phibs_has_instagram Ling @lingerid Duke @dukeygrimo All images captured by the brilliant p1xels [nggallery id=556 display_type=photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry]
READ MOREFOCUS POINTS is a group exhibition at Revolver Upstairs featuring local and interstate photographers who capture & document the ever changing landscapes and points of interest of the street art and graffiti scene. “These photographers all operate in differing settings, locations and environments to provide the viewer with alternate perspectives of a scene, culture, history
READ MOREThe new year is fully here, and January is just a memory – summer has seen a huge amount of different walls being painted all over Melbourne, and it isn’t slowing down. As always, Dean Sunshine has managed to capture a bunch of great photos, and theres some really stand out pieces this month! Check
READ MORECheck out all the great shots that Dean got for us this December, as the New Year approaches here’s to the next of some amazing work across the city of Melbourne! [nggallery id=553 display_type=photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry] 1. Mayo – Melbourne 2. Lov3 – Abbotsford 3. Porn – Brunswick 4. Cruel – Melbourne 5. Bailer – South Yarra
READ MOREAhh October was a good month around the traps!! We are late on this as well, but Dean never stops haha as the last month before we start coming into spring and summer fully, October always sees a lot more people getting out to do stuff – so check ut all the great shit below!!
READ MORESeptember passed a while ago. In between travel and work, Ive let things slide a bit here on the site, but its never too late to get these up – sorry Deano! Check out all the great shit Dean saw on our streets over September below!! [nggallery id=550 display_type=photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry] 1. Dvate + Awes – Richmond
READ MOREOh shit. Okay, this is completely and utterly my ownfault that this is so late – Ive been so busy getting ready to go and launch Irikanji over at Taipei Toy Festival that so much has slipped on the blog lately! Busy as he always is these days, Dean Sunshine though, didn’t forget! He’s given
READ MOREAnother month rolls by, and I don’t know about you but the cold weather lately has been really making me wish for summer to come as soon as it can! The cold doesn’t stop the painting though, and this time around Dean Sunshine has ten great shots of some of the cool shit that has
READ MOREAgain and again, every month Mr Dean Sunshine brings us all the cool shit that has happened on the walls of our fair city. This month brings a whole slew of cool stuff, from Makatron to Dosey, Scale and Porn and everything else that’s grand in this lineup of works! Check them all out below,
READ MOREOur man Dean Sunshine was up in Sydney last week to check out Vivid Sydney – specifically, he was taking a bit of time checking out the Shepherd Fairey exhibition, Printed Matters, and mural that he was painting as a part of the event. This was a bit of the blurb from the show: “Iconic
READ MOREWinter is here, but that has not stopped the paint from going up on the walls. Braving the chilling conditions, our intrepid Dean Sunshine has, once again, sought out all his favourite pieces that have been painted on the streets of Melbourne! Theres a mighty fine selection this month, so check them all out below!
READ MOREOkay, here we go yet again (and again, can you believe this is No. 73? Jeezus) with Dean Sunshines picks for all the cool shit he saw around our city this month, and its a pretty nice collection indeed with everything from Lush and Dvate, to Love and relative newcomer Welin (who keeps getting up