What's Good!

  • Interview – Creepy

    Interview – Creepy

    No one can mistake a piece of his work on a wall or in a gallery, and his unique characters and scenes are now somewhat ubiquitous with the rising urban art scene here in Australia. Kyle Hughes-Odgers, aka Creepy, is one of many artists turning the worlds eyes towards our shores. Having just launched his

  • Exhibition – Creepy – Turner Gallery – WA

    Exhibition – Creepy – Turner Gallery – WA

    For those of you reading back in my old stomping grounds of P-town, you have a really cool opportunity tomorrow night to go and see one of our cities acclaimed artists, Kyle “Creepy” Hughes-Odgers, opening his solo show “You Just Have Your Eyes Closed” at the Turner Gallery in Northbridge. Creepy has generated a lot

  • Editors note: Six months down; help wanted.

    I just realised that it’s been almost six months since I decided to, mostly,  move on from writing about music, and to really getting back into covering my first love: art. Its always been the goal that once I managed to regularly cover events here in Melbourne, that I wanted to begin to cover events

  • Feature Interview – Simz

    Feature Interview – Simz

    There’s already a beer in my hand by the time I catch sight of him – it’s Friday afternoon and the bar I’m in, e55, is near-full, and the crowd is drinking their shit away in preparation of the night to come. He’s sitting down in the back corner, and I notice that he already





BSIDE Gallery

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