Snapshots - Heesco - Mongo Hustle
- Art, Photographs
- April 4, 2011
Due to the popularity of last years open day, Everfresh decided to open it’s doors again for one day only and allow the public to walk through the studio and see the artists and their work up close and personal. For many people this would be the first time they would get to meet the
READ MOREGood news, everybody! (Okay, Ive been watching way too much Futurama lately) – the guys over at The Hours have just announced the whole lineup and shebang for their annual “Wonderwalls” event up in Woolongong – and damn, it looks mighty fine!! “The festival will run from November 8 -10, including an art exhibition, artists
READ MOREDean delivers his usual goodness for the month of July with his latest top ten. So much goodness last month. [nggallery id=290 display_type=photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry] 1. Ian Strange – Melbourne 2. Killa – Burnley 3. Rone, Wonderlust & Tooth – Collingwood 4. Rashe – Brunswick 5. Shida & Vexta – Brunswick 6. Be Free – Collingwood 7.
READ MOREWell it has been another busy month, capturing the ever changing streets of Melbourne’s diverse street art scene. Here is a selection of some of my favourite images from the last 30 days enjoy . Peace [nggallery id=283 display_type=photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry]
READ MOREWell it’s been another busy month with a lot of paint hitting the walls, artist’s like Dvate, Gent48, Makatron and Adnate, Slicer and Deams have been keeping me very busy. Hers’s a selection of some of my favourite shots. [nggallery id=261 display_type=photocrati-nextgen_pro_masonry]
READ MOREEarlier this year, we heard about an ambitious project to transform Sydneys Harbours Cockatoo Island into a mecca of street art. When we first heard it, it seemed a long way away, and we weren’t sure exactly what it entailed. Over time, we started learning more, and getting an idea as to what it would
READ MOREAll great things must have a closing party! So that’s what the guys from Everfresh will be doing this Friday night. As they say goodbye to their temporary work space at the National Gallery of Victoria, the crew will be displaying a whole bunch of new work that they, and some of their friends, have
READ MOREAfter little bits of teasing rumour over the past month or so, the guys from the Melbourne street art crew Everfresh have released the news of their impending visit to the NGV. This is going to be amazing – it will give everyone a crazily cool insight into the working practices of the Everfresh crew,
READ MORESo its finally come around, and we got news this morning of the official info for the Everfresh Blackbook release parties. These will be held in both Melbourne and Sydney, and there will also be a release party in Tokyo! I’ve been looking forward to the book since I first heard about it, and I’m
READ MOREWe’ve all heard rumours of its impending drop, but this weekend saw confirmation that the Everfresh Black Book is well and truly on its way. What’s sure to have been a labour of love for the guys at the studio, the Black Book “provides a rare and exclusive insight into the life of the studio,